Using the latest Seaside Remote Control, press the SETTINGS button on the top of the remote below the word MENU.
This will bring up the Quick Menu. Use the grey arrow keys; these keys surround the OK SELECT button.
Move the left or right button and you can navigate to the icon called PPV, this icon is 3rd from the left.
Press the button called OK SELECT.
You will now see 4 categories to choose from:
(Pay-Per-View by Time)
(Pay-Per-View Events)
(Pay-Per-View By Title)
Use the Seaside Remote Control arrow keys to navigate your selection and then press the OK SELECT button. Inside each of these categories you will be shown a list of choices to choose from.
2. SAVEYou only pay for what you order.
3. ENJOYSit back and relax. There are no interruptions, no commercials!